
Showing posts from July, 2020

Dealing with someone who got depression.

One of my friend whatsapp-ed me to ask about this mental illness, and i because all those information and educational tweet that i got from twitter, i said that i understand it and emphasized with those who been infected. She came across that she got a depressions because of what happen in her life. like really a lot. we live a far from each other and the only things that i can do for her is to listen to her. And now, shes recover from it and the only things that she told me is 'Thank you for listening, and for staying'. She lose a lot of friend and idk why people keep leaving someone who having a hard time maybe because it does not give any advantages to them. but please, if you know any of your friend who been dealing with this please listen to them and stay. JUST LISTEN and stay with them. it helps them a lot. 

Apa itu Institut Pendidikan Guru?

Institut Pendidikan Guru merupakan salah satu universiti awam di Malaysia. Ia merupakan sebuah pusat latihan yang akan menempatkan para pelajar untuk belajar dalam bidang pendidikan dan diserap masuk ke sekolah rendah di sekitar Malaysia. Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia merupakan satu badan yang bertanggungjawab dalam mengekendalikan IPG. IPGM berada di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dan bukan di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia. Bidang yang ditawarkan dalam IPG ialah bergantung kepada subjek yang diperlukan oleh guru-guru di sekolah. Namun, subjek bahasa seperti bahasa Melayu, bahasa Inggeris, Sains, Matematik dan Agama merupakan subjek yang akan sentiasa dibuka setiap kali pengambilan pelajar baru. Dalam IPG, terdapat pelbagai kursus yang ditawarkan selain subjek teras iaitu bahasa Arab, bahasa Perancis, bahasa Cina, bahasa Tamil, bahasa Iban, Sejarah, Pendidikan Moral, Seni, Muzik dan Pendidikan Jasmani. IPGM juga mempunyai pelbagai program seperti Program Pra ...

Travelling to Melaka during COVID-19 and PKPP

On the weekend, my friends and i decide to went to Melaka for a 2 days and one night trip. We planned it since Jun (when is was in PKPB) and finally its happening. Thank god, its happen cause we all got strict parent and online classes. 13 of us, all girls when to Melaka by car. Three car hahha cause we wanna a comfartable space along the journey. Meet up at Ain's house and by 9 we went straight to Melaka, the traffic was no bad at all because by 10 we already arrived at Plaza Tol Ayer Keroh. Went to Bandar Melaka and boom, the traffic was so meh and we lost hahaha. so we went straight to Cendol Kampung Hulu. Guys, Cendol Kampung Hulu is not your neighbour cendol. they use the ice like the bingsoo's one. Not like normal ice and its taste superb. I gave it 8.8 out of 9. Then, we went straight to A Famosa. Guys, its 1.00 PM and the matahari was like tegak on the head its so hot. AND THERES A LOT OF PEOPLE THERE AND ITS SO HARD FOR US TO TAKE A PICTURE OF OURSELVES. BUT WE MA...